Software support
We understand that when you need support, you need it now. That’s why our live experts are standing by ready to solve your problems immediately, with no voice mail, hold music or phone trees. And our response team is so proficient that almost all issues are solved the same day. What’s more, a real-time data link from our support center makes solving even the most difficult situations fast and easy.
  • Average response time of less than 10 seconds.
  • 98% same-day resolution
  • 24-hour emergency support
  • Unlimited calling privileges
  • Expert staff of qualified support technicians
Hardware support
At Avanta, our goal is to keep your system running flawlessly. That’s why we offer comprehensive hardware support as an option with every system. Our team of technicians is ready to solve any problem, from a misaligned printer to a network failure, so you will never have to worry about a hardware glitch again.

And More
We provide professional installation and expert training to make converting from your old system simple and easy. Moreover, every software update you receive is also installed and tested on-site—and there is never a charge for new software. Finally, we offer informative seminars, weekly fax bulletins, and newsletters to give you timely, accurate information about changes in the medical billing workplace.